Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the one you should follow..

CHECK OUT that's my newest BLOG ADVENTURE!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

iDENTitY interviews ED

Here a good friend of mine Ed Gatchalian and I talk about iDENTitY!
Ed is a speaker, teacher, and musical director but is best known to me as the guy who introduced me to Jesus! Check out this video I hope you enjoy it!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


here's a great way to listen to music on the web! Check it :)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Isabella is currently bar hopping and visiting churches singing songs from her album iDENTitY: ISABELLA!

She will be at Merk's at Greenbelt 3rd floor this Wed at around 9:45pm and then at CCF across from Mega Mall at the ST. FRANCIS BLDG at the 5th floor at 7pm during JZONE!!!!

Catch her this week or on OCT 6 at 8pm at MUSIC MUSEUM for BELIEVE THE POP MUSICAL!!!

See you soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

iDENTitY:Isabella: Isabella Introduces iDENTitY: the ALBUM

Dear Friend,

Thanks for supporting me by being interested in my first album!                                            

       You know when I began this project I had a few things in mind but,  one main goal for this album--that it might make a dent in our society and mainly in you and ultimately in doing so this act might bring glory to the Lord.

        One of the things I really wanted to do in this album was to make more evident the meaning of the word iDENTitY.  My teen years were filled with questions. What do I say, how should I dress, who am I, who should I be?  To me, when I found where I should really look to find the answers, and who I should really look to, a lot of stress was relieved. To cut the long story short, after all the searching, asking school counselors, friends, even therapists, and family for advice, I finally was directed to the Lord and the Bible. Sure now I listen to talks by various speakers like Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, and Creflo Dollar, preachers and inspiring speakers through podcasts and I read inspirational books too, to help me on my way but, the message I needed to hear for so long was about identity. What is identity?

       The New Oxford American Dictionary states that iDENTitY is:  1 the fact of being who or what a person or thing is

-the characteristics determining this
- [as adj.] chiefly Brit (of an object) serving to establish who the holder, owner, or wearer is by bearing their name and often other details such as a signature or photograph : an identity card.

2 a close similarity or affinity.

     Identity is who you are.
         When I turned  14 years old I was told about the great thing Jesus Christ did for me on the cross.  That He saved me from my past, present and future sins.  That night I said a prayer to invite the Lord into my life and to become a believer of Who He is (God in Human form), and a follower of his word (the Bible).  But that night something else happened,  I went from being a girl who didn't understand who she was or should be, to someone with an identity... from that 
day forward I would be called a child of God, adopted into his kingdom and a believer and follower of Christ; a Christian, that is my identity.

Now what I do and how I act and respond to who I am right.  Sometimes I stumble and act out of character, I forget who I really am, a child of the King, a person with God on her side, and when I forget this and slowly start to act like who I was before and I end up dealing with the consequences however big or small.

This album is called iDENTitY: Isabella.  I tried to sing about the topic of identity, who I am.  What came out were prayers from my heart put to music.  Some songs are just yearnings and thoughts on certain situations but ,the perspective is one from a heart that believes in a great and comforting Heavenly Father.  In that way because the songs were written mostly from this  perspective, I hope that it speaks to you as no album has and helps to make you think about life and who you are now and who you might consider being in the future.

It has been my prayer that these songs touch your heart and move you to greater endeavors.



Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello There!

So let's begin like we've known each other for years and I can go to the main topic later, but skip over to what I really must tell you.. I just watched P.S. I Love You, with Hillary Swank and Gerard Buttler.. I tell you it is now my most favorite movie ever  except the premarital sex parts.. but those scenes (not to condone it or anything) were shot in such a lovely way that I have to say that if one has to have premarital sex in a movie .. let's just say it was well directed. The acting was great and every little detail of the film was just WON-DER-FULLLL of lovely little jalepenio like surprizes! A reviewer once said that watching this movie was like eating a sandwhich and being surprised to find a jalapeno at the center.. it's true though the analogy is sqewed! Ok, so Lois Lane and I both have a hard time spelling but in Fiction atleast she's won awards despite it all.. that's my way of trying to appologize for the spelling! 

I learned a few things tonight as I watched this film:
1. I'm looking, waiting, what have you, wanting a love that is filled with passion..and I thought I could settle for a sober type of love. Interesting that it had to take a movie about a woman who losses that love for me to discover that is what I want... this isn't an add for someone to answer through this blog.. but I just thought you might want to watch the film and come to some interesting thoughts cum revelations about feelings or thoughts you had way down deep inside..

2. NEVER,never watch a film you know is gonna be great at 2am when you have to sing in the morning.

3. Don't start blogging right after.. just go to bed.. sleep is precious! 

With that, I bid my adues!
Hope to hear from you on my multiply site:

Good night.


As I write this, I am juggling thoughts of my other blog: and wondering what my password is and how to get in. I'm also updating the videos on my multiply site: which has a link to the other blog simply titled 'my blog'. That blog is really and Online resource to both myself and anyone who cares to check it out. At least I was hoping it would become the sort of thing one could read to check out what ideas helped to form a book I;m planning on writing on identity, which is also the title to my first album which I hope to release this year!

Now, about this blog.. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to open up and write to you all again through this blog. Making it seems like an quite the little happy accident. Though, I don't believe in accidents or coincidence, or things happening by chance. Everything happens for a reason. Aside from needing to practice my writing skills, to warm up for explaining what needs to be said in the future book.. It almost seems as if I have been preparing to write to you, whom ever you may be for quite some time. You see, when I was a wee little lass (ok now I'm starting to get into my Leprechaun Ol' Irish story telling voice) I used to write out to the void each night. "Dear Void," I would write in fancy cursive letters.. hoping someone some day would find my journals and publish them long after I was gone. Then when I grew a little, I began to write to the Lord. Things changed and my written prayers became like letters to this great relative that looked out for me.. Today I still write letters to My Heavenly Father, I talk to Him more and it seems He has answered just another one of my prayers.. the little prayer tucked deep within that I didn't even know I wanted so much.. I suppose that prayer was all about being able to reach out beyond the expanses, beyond that great void and reach you.

That's all really.. I hope to here from you on my multiply page:

And I hope you do visit this page, there's lots to talk about still! God Bless you and may He guide you back to this site!
